Mirac: a maps global story

In modern-day Ephesus, now located in Eurasia, a foreign missionary couple planted a small church not long ago. One day, the missionaries woke up to the news that they were being kicked out of the country. They appointed a local pastor, but, as they were leaving, they wondered who would take up the responsibility to pastor the church in the next generation. 

Fast forward to the present time. This is where Miraç came in, a 19 year-old believer filled with youthful zeal.

Miraç was like a lump of clay freshly cut from the block. He had zeal, but he needed to be formed and sculpted. Who would provide the training that would come alongside his zeal? Do any quality, affordable training programs even exist in a region that is overwhelmingly Muslim? 

The answer is yes. MAPS Global’s base in Eurasia offers one of only two theological training programs in the whole country, and scholarships provided by MAPS Global ministry partners allow students to attend completely for free. Miraç enrolled. The Lord had placed him on the potter’s wheel. He was ready to be molded and shaped into the vessel God would use. 

While far away from his family and home, Miraç found himself being transformed, thanks to daily time in the presence of the Lord in the prayer room, and hands-on discipleship. He completed the program as a star student. From there, God started him on the next step in his journey of formation. He felt called to go back to his hometown and start a prayer room like the one he had been formed in for months. The first day that it opened, the presence of God brought in a man off of the street who heard the Gospel and was saved that very day

Through the MAPS Global training program, Miraç went from a young man with passion, zeal and a dream to an equipped leader launched into his assignment. The 19-year-old who came in as a soft lump of clay had been forever transformed by the Potter into a vessel ready to carry God’s purposes for his city.

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Mohammad: a maps story


Miriam’s Miracle