
Blogs written by our leadership team to encourage your faith and books written by R.A. Martinez

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Relighting the Torch

In January of 2023, a glowing torch died out as day and night prayer ground to a halt in the spiritually dark region of North Africa. A small house of prayer had been lifting up intercession and worship to the one true God nonstop for seven years. But the team that kept the torch burning had suddenly disbanded. 

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Anonymous Anonymous

Seeds in the sand

In the spring of 2017, I was an American teenager in the heart of the Middle East. I was surrounded by approximately 70 young refugees from various backgrounds lifting up their voices in worship. From the depths of their hearts, they were singing the chorus of the song, “Good, Good Father,” in Arabic.

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Anonymous Anonymous

God places the lonely in families

“God places the lonely in families,” said Denzel, quoting Psalm 68:6 with hope illuminating his eyes, “There is no such thing as too hard or too dark.” 

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Anonymous Anonymous

A “Yes” That Changed a Life

In the spring of 2024, Vincent was waiting on the Lord to guide his steps. He was like an athlete sitting in the bleachers, watching a game play out. He had a heart ablaze with prayer and worship and a dream to be a part of reaching the unreached. But he wasn’t yet sure how and when he should join the team out on the field…

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Anonymous Anonymous

A Leap of Faith

It was 2011, and life felt like a cold, bottomless ocean. Axel had just gone through a divorce, and he was deep in debt on his mortgage and credit cards. Not only that, but he was having major health issues. He was financially just surviving, with his head barely above water…

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Anonymous Anonymous

Matt and Abby: A maps story

In 2017, the Lord began to shape and burden Matt and Abby’s hearts. In a unique way, Matt and Abby experienced a drawing to missions and the nations together as a family. While living in the desert of Arizona, they found themselves praying over a world map. The Lord highlighted the Himalayan mountains to them. 

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by r.a. martinez

Available on Amazon

the Joseph Journey by r.a. martinez

“Over the past decade I have studied the life of Joseph and have come to believe it is profoundly prototypical of the path that God uses to form pioneers. My prayer is that this book will help you gain clarity and confidence about the journey you are on now, find strength in knowing that whatever season you are in, the Lord is preparing you for divine assignments.” - R.A. Martinez Joseph Journey