Eurasia Missions Base
We believe that, as in the days of old, God is raising up a great prayer, worship, and gospel movement from Eurasia that will launch new leaders into the regions of Eurasia and Central Asia to proclaim the gospel and to plant worship-filled communities.
unreached people groups
evangelical christians
unreached people
Eurasia Ministry Program
In light of the growing numbers of converts and attendees at our Eurasia Missions Base and Church, we have begun a training program for emerging indigenous leaders who desire to give their lives to the work of the ministry. Our Eurasia Ministry Program is designed to train emerging indigenous leaders in theology, leadership development, and practical ministry skills in a presence-centered environment of daily worship and prayer in our prayer room at the Eurasia Missions Base.
* The Eurasia Ministry Program is a full time residential 8 month program we provide for potential in- digenous leaders in our nation. We provide 6 months of theological education in the local language as well as pastoral support, ministry and evangelism opportunities. Then, our students are sent on a month long ministry assignment to an unreached portion of the country. We trained 5 students, 2 of which are in the process of planting a church in a remote unreached location of Eurasia.