A 10/40 Window Prayer Meeting
“The Desert Will Bloom”

Have you ever heard of a “superbloom?”
Imagine a dry desert whose soil is longing for the rain. Underneath these parched sands and hardened earth lay billions of dormant wildflower seeds. Without rain or access to water, they would never bloom and flourish into what they were created for. Even in these desert places though, when the conditions are just right, a weather phenomenon occurs when there is an outpouring of rain, a superbloom takes place. As water floods the dry land, dormant seeds spring to life, and wildflowers bloom for miles around.
Today, spiritually speaking, the 10/40 Window is a desert wasteland, where more than three billion people are living unreached without experiencing God’s Presence or access to the Gospel. What if these peoples, like dormant seeds in the ground, experienced an outpouring of God’s Spirit through worship, prayer & heard the proclamation of the Gospel? What if this spiritual desert encountered the rain, and people’s hearts sprang to life and joy and singing bloomed across the nations.
This is why MAPS Global is doing 50 Hours:
A 10-40 Window Prayer Meeting, this April 10-12. We are inviting YOU to add your voice to this concert of prayer.
This Spring we are sending seven teams to seven unreached regions in the 10/40 Window to host 50 Hours of worship and prayer in concert together. As we gather with indigenous believers and other missions organizations, we are also inviting YOU to pray with us where you are. As we lift our voices together, we believe that God will pour out His Spirit and “the wilderness and the dry land will be glad; the desert will rejoice and blossom… even with joy and singing.” (Isaiah 35:1-2)
Will you add your voice to this 50 Hours?
We are inviting you to consider participating in any of 3 ways:
Commit to set aside time to pray during the 50 Hours (April 10-12)
We will send you our “50 Hours Prayer Guide” and you’ll get text & email updates live from the 10/40 Window during the 50 Hours.
Sow into the 10-40 Window by partnering with us to reach our goal of $50,000!
Your generosity will fund this catalytic prayer meeting and cultivate gospel fruit at our seven bases across the 10/40 Window for years to come. We’ll send you our "Giving Guide" to learn more about the impact your gift will make.
Join us live for our Global Prayer Call on zoom at 7PM EST, April 11 during the 50 Hours.
We will have leaders from all seven regions sharing live updates, testimonies, and praying together in unison across the 10/40 Window. Tune in to gather and pray in real-time with us!
Are you in?