
Blogs written by our leadership team to encourage your faith and books written by R.A. Martinez

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Finding Your Voice

For us to find our voice, we must first be found by the voice of the One who designed us. The voice of God apprehends the human heart and aligns us with who we are and whose we are. Everything is under subjection to God’s voice.

In the Garden of Eden, it is God’s voice that called Adam back to his identity. As God shouted, “where are you?!” He hadn’t lost Adam. Adam had lost truth and needed to recognize he was lost. It took the searching sound of God’s voice to recalibrate Adam to who he was created to be. The word used in Genesis to describe God’s voice calling out to Adam and Eve is the same word used for singing, thundering, and the sound of an instrument.

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Headquarters Kim Hager Headquarters Kim Hager

The Intercession of Songwriting

This is an appeal to songwriters to explore the depths of writing songs that not only express the human heart but infuse the earth with the substance of Heaven. Perhaps you’ve never thought of songwriting as being intercessory. But, our songs can be a catalyst for “on earth as it is in Heaven.”

We are trekking the valleys, deserts, dark places, and mountains of life on our way home to all things new. Along the journey, our songs are opening wells (connection with heaven) in the valley of weeping (our present earthly reality).

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the ANTIOCH BLUEPRINT by r.a. martinez


the Joseph Journey by r.a. martinez

“Over the past decade I have studied the life of Joseph and have come to believe it is profoundly prototypical of the path that God uses to form pioneers. My prayer is that this book will help you gain clarity and confidence about the journey you are on now, find strength in knowing that whatever season you are in, the Lord is preparing you for divine assignments.” - R.A. Martinez Joseph Journey