Finding Your Voice

The human voice is powerful. It has the capacity to build up, tear down, bring to life, or curse to death. James describes the tongue as a rudder that sets the course of our lives. The voice is also vulnerable. It's directly connected to our personhood and identity. Science has proven that our DNA contains a specific sound. Each person has a unique and significant voice. When we say someone “has a voice, or has found/lost their voice” we refer to their ability to freely communicate with a sense of creativity, confidence, significance, and impact in their relationships, realms of influence, and in communion with God. 

For us to find our voice, we must first be found by the voice of the One who designed us. The voice of God apprehends the human heart and aligns us with who we are and whose we are. Everything is under subjection to God’s voice. Our ability to live and move and have our being is directly derived from the word of God, the voice of God. 

In the Garden of Eden, it is God’s voice that called Adam back to his identity. As God shouted, “where are you?!” He hadn’t lost Adam. Adam had lost truth and needed to recognize he was lost. It took the searching sound of God’s voice to recalibrate Adam to who he was created to be. The word used in Genesis to describe God’s voice calling out to Adam and Eve is the same word used for singing, thundering, and the sound of an instrument. God’s voice reverberated through the Garden like an accosting trumpet blast. It was a song of God’s longing, jealous heart over Adam and Eve.

A similar description is used of Jesus, God’s voice manifested in flesh, as “the voice behind” John in Revelation 1 calling him up to a heavenly perspective. When God sings and shouts His song over us, it calls us to truth, heaven’s perspective, identity, and the unlocking of our voice

There’s a responsive sound from us that God longs to receive in return. Our voice is divinely designed, composed of vocal cords, windpipe, lungs, and a mouthpiece that are connected to mind, will, and emotions - governed by the spirit. His Spirit fills us with revelation like a breath inhaled, and we exhale melodic phrases to God. We are fashioned as living musical instruments. There is a song that He forges in our journey with Him that He longs for. 

The Lord speaks through the prophet Hosea, singing over the adulterous bride, Israel. (Hosea 2:14-19) God sings “I will allure you to the wilderness to sing over you and beckon a song to come out of you that you will sing back to Me.” In this same way, God deals with us. Places of compromise, devastation, or weeping can become doors of hope. God sometimes takes people through struggles to unlock their voice and teach them to sing again. He will allow them to go through dry, hard, or lonely seasons. In that place, He will sing His love song over them and give them the opportunity to find Him and their individual true soundGod sings and dances over people unlocking the song of their heart spiritually as well as literally. (Zeph. 3:17) Is it time for you to find your voice, pick up your instrument, write, sing, paint, or move again? His voice is calling you out “the winter is over and past, the time of singing has come. Let Me hear your voice. Let Me see your face, your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.” (SOS 2:8,14-16)


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