Relighting the Torch
In January of 2023, a glowing torch died out as day and night prayer ground to a halt in the spiritually dark region of North Africa. A small house of prayer had been lifting up intercession and worship to the one true God nonstop for seven years. But the team that kept the torch burning had suddenly disbanded.
Although it was dark, hope was not lost. For five ministers left behind, the fire still glowed in their hearts. Two local North African pastors, and three missionaries who had lived in North Africa for almost a decade, carried a burden for the country like seeds planted deep in furrowed soil. But the seeds needed watering. These leaders had not led a house of prayer before, and they weren’t sure how to start. A year and a half later, in 2024, a team of eight leaders from MAPS Global traveled to the country to steward prayer and worship for 50 hours and relight the torch.
“Our prayer was, ‘Lord, reestablish the lampstand of day and night prayer and worship in this key nation,’” said R.A. Martinez, President of MAPS Global. “It was a very powerful time, but on the very last hour of the 50 Hours, an unusual spirit of prayer touched our team and there were tears and groaning and travail across this little upper room. So I just said Lord, what was that?”
Aftward, Martinez met with some of the leaders who had carried that burning in their hearts. The leaders shared that they knew it was the Word of the Lord spoken to them to pick up the torch of day and night worship, but they didn’t know how to do it.
Within four months, with MAPS Global School students four days away from heading to the Levant for 90 days, the Lord redirected the team, and MAPS Global’s attention, once again, to North Africa.
“The Lord leads you by His peace. It was one of those things where it was just like, ‘this is right,’” said Martinez. So, in the Fall of 2024, the MAPS Global School students continued to carry the torch of prayer and worship every day in North Africa for 90 days. The local missionaries attended the prayer room while it was open, and the seeds planted in their hearts to carry the torch were watered. While the students were there, the local leaders asked Martinez when MAPS would come to permanently reopen the prayer room. Martinez said, “It’s you! Don’t wait for us. God has given you this assignment. We will serve what God is doing through you.” Taking the torch, all five gathered together and dedicated themselves to keep the house of prayer going in North Africa. And the Lord provided. They were given a room for free to worship and pray in every day.
Today, that torch of worship and prayer is burning brightly in North Africa as the leaders faithfully carry it. Not only that, but this April, MAPS will be sending another team to welcome a downpour on the seeds planted in the land. They will be joining many other prayer rooms across the 10/40 window to cry out for the growth and flourishing of the Gospel in the earth!