Jesus is
The worth of Jesus is the preeminent motivation for all we do here at MAPS Global. It is the fuel and the finish line of all worship, prayer and missions. All of heaven revolves around His worth and His beauty and all of creation was made to resound and reflect His glory. Those who see Him the most clearly, are those that never stop singing of how much He is worth. It is not statistics and needs alone that will compel the church to engage with the Great Commission. It must be a vision of the supreme worth and majestic beauty of Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Harvest.

The Gospel is Powerful
There is no news more powerful than the Gospel of the kingdom. It is the only news that has the supernatural power to shift an eternal destiny and transfer people out of the dominion of darkness and into the kingdom of light! This news is the great hope for all the nations and the greatest injustice in the earth is that 3.1 billion people do not have access to the life-saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Time is
The Church has always lived in a perpetual state of urgency since her inception in Acts chapter two because millions across the earth will take their last breath today without ever having a chance to hear the Gospel. In light of the worth of Jesus and the power of the Gospel, we aim to live with urgency. The urgency we live with is not a frenzied busyness of activity but a passion to focus our time, our energy and our lives towards that which will matter for eternity. We urgently do not want to waste our lives on things that do not matter in light of eternity.