our core values


MAPS Global is a missional family that exists to pray, preach and sing in the most unreached regions of the earth until every nation sees and sings of the worth of Jesus Christ and the Great Commission is finished in our generation.

  • Colossians 1:15-20.  The Person of the incarnate God-Man Jesus Christ and His redeeming work on behalf of mankind on the cross is the paramount focus of our hearts, values, contemplation and the reason for which missions exists. We exalt Jesus Christ above every other name and labor that every tribe, tongue, people and nation would exalt Him as their chief and central joy.

  • (2 Timothy 3:16-17) We believe in the authority of the Scriptures and that the 66 books of the Canon, being inerrant, infallible, and divinely inspired, provide the most supreme and all satisfying revelation of God and perfectly instruct us concerning His will. We affirm the reformers view of “sola-scriptura” and believe there is no higher text one can appeal to than the Bible and it is the Scriptures. The truth of the word of God guides, directs and instructs us to live a life worth Christ dying for.

  • (Psalm 132, Matt 18:20) The central pursuit and focus of Christian community is not community but a shared pursuit and encounter with the presence of Jesus. (Psalm 132, Matt 18:20) The central pursuit and focus of Christian community is not community but a shared pursuit and encounter with the presence of Jesus. 

  • (1 Corinthians 4:15) We make it a priority to establish a community that devotes itself to teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to a corporate prayer life. It’s in the quality of life together in the Spirit, and communities rooted and grounded in love, that we both demonstrate and exalt Christ and by which the world may know that the Father sent His Son.

  • (Isaiah 42:10-12) We believe that the Bible exhorts us to not only sing songs that have been passed down for generations but also to sing “new songs”. This includes writing new songs, singing spontaneously, and singing with prophetic unction. 

  • “Missions exist because worship doesn’t.” (Piper) In light of the finished work of the cross we believe our only worthy response is unceasing adoration and worship to arise from our community and to the ends of the earth. We prioritize the place of prayer and worship and make it an intricate part of the DNA of our community. This is the ultimate expression that we long to be produced in frontier missions, and this is the lifestyle that we choose to embody.

  • (Colossians 4:3) We believe that there is a powerful and effective part the church is called to play in God’s purposes through prayer and intercession. We pray together with faith for breakthroughs and manifestations of heaven on earth. 

  • (Romans 15:13). In light of the promises of God, we choose to have a hope-filled view of the future. He has restored, is restoring and will restore all things. Our joy is a deep, contented satisfaction with the pleasures of God which are supernatural and all-satisfying. When hope is the lens by which we view reality, transcendent joy is the fruit of our life.

  • (Acts 1:8) We value the Holy Spirit as the primary leader of Christ’s church on the earth; we believe the Holy Spirit is still equipping the saints with gifts and supernatural power for the end of exalting Jesus and empowering the completion of His commission. 

  • (Acts 20:24) We choose to embody the crucified life. We believe the incarnation provides us with the perfect archetype of the Christian life. God’s choice to take on flesh and lay His life down for the salvation of the world is the blueprint for not only the missions movement but for everyday life. Taking up our cross, denying ourselves and following Him is an active choice and an intricate part of our value system in which we fellowship with Him in His sufferings. We live “wartime lifestyles” with the advancement of the gospel as the strategic focus of our lives. We give the best of our time, resources, energy, and focus to bring about the completion of the Great Commission. The centrality of the good news of Jesus’ conquering and redeeming work on the cross and its dissemination to the ends of the earth is our passion, and we give our lives to see it accomplished.

  • (James 1:27) It was from the place of compassion that Jesus called for laborers to be sent into His harvest. We believe that the gospel witness in the earth should be accompanied with compassion for the poor, orphan and widow.

  • We are committed to coaching, challenging and modeling health and growth in every area of the lives of those under MAPS Global. This areas include: physical health, emotional health, relational health, spiritual health, and financial health.